Psycho for Hire: Though a capable Bounty Hunter, he is also very amoral and Ax-Crazy.Off with His Head!: Harley with a Krypton pill gives him this in the comics.Obviously Evil: The eyes, pale skin, Spikes of Villainy, and the Card-Carrying Villain and Ax-Crazy tendencies all paint a pretty clear picture.Kill the God: His goal is to kill all of the New Gods as of his ending.Hero Killer: His Classic Ending reveals that he killed the majority of Earth's heroes, showing a trophy row of their skulls with bullet holes.Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Lights a cigar with a Fire-Breathing Weapon in his opening, and continues to smoke it throughout the fight.Future Slang: He doesn't talk too much in the game, but he's fond of calling people "Dipstick" as an insult.Flipping the Bird: Lobo flips off his opponent at the end of his Super Move, albeit the gesture is humorously pixelated.
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Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: His skin is chalk white, which highlights his nature as a ruthless bounty hunter from outer space.Early-Bird Cameo: Appeared in Doomsday's ending in Classic Battle mode long before being announced as a DLC character.Green Arrow mentions that " The hair is really distracting." Dreadlock Warrior: He sports dreadlocks.Cool Bike: He has a hi-tech hoverbike that he rides into action on in his Battle Intro and also uses in his supermove by way of Weaponized Exhaust.Chain Pain: He can use the chain attached to his hook as a weapon in combat.Car Fu: Rams his opponent with his bike in his supermove.