0.1 Yearly Corruption is alright and helps out if you're super-blobbing. The ability to fabricate claims for subjects is actually pretty big especially if playing a subject-focused game.Įmbargoes and Pirates are *nice* bonuses. However spies being discovered isn't exactly great for diplomacy like AE isn't great for it. 20% AE impact is a nice bonus especially in the HRE. +33% Spy Detection is pretty nice seeing as the AI has a hate-on for the player and spams them with spies and spy actions lategame. +1 Diplomat is alright considering you want to be using them for spying I'd actually say the best idea in the group is the first one, which gives -10% advisor costs and +50% network speed, drastically increaseing the speed you build networks while also saving on Advisors which is always nice. It has a load of useful bonuses but the situation where all of them are useful is quite rare. When you're blobbing you have little~no need for diplomacy just making your country run and your solders kill.Įspionage is, in a word situational.

Admin groups help your country run better and more efficiently. I have been trying to force a bankruptency for Lithuania, through out a few games -20 WE for 2-3 years, and they somehow manage to stay stable for so long I am starting to wonder if it is even possible to break them with a "rebel enforce all of their demand event" at all.First and foremost it's a Diplomatic group which, to be honest, are in general the least useful.
Poland-Lithuania is so freaking stable (humanist -2% to rebel risk + bonus to religion unity plus they always have military access to each other so with espionage you are really fighting against TWO manpower pools for either) you might as well start WW1 earlier to just break them. Timuruid used to buckle before a certain time period now they are so stable like France plus conquest. While Ottoman struggle a little more with the balkan area they still grow at a brisk pace. I find that some certain countries that used to be weak to rebels in 1.7 almost never fall apart in 1.9. Originally posted by Kageryuu:Yeah, but the -20% only come into effect after you already were successful with supporting the rebels, at which point you may just declare a war to support them if you really want. I dare you to try the same thing with Lithuania now. In 1.7 it used to be possible to force Lithuania to spit out various nations and perhaps even grab some land from poland/hungary in the progress if the rebel manage grow to a certain size. It painful to try to form one of minor Russia accpeted nations from Lithuania (typically they get the idea group with 100% cost to coring which impact diplo-annex cost too) as either Muscovy or formed Russia via Muscovy. For example if you tried to form Ruthemia or any other nation, not existing at 1444 bookmark, without going to war. I know some part of it got a little out of control but it was still an indirect nerf to Espionage power. Which isn't that useful as before when unrest COULD trigger multiplies group of whatever in a short time frame back in 1.7. You are forced to wait or hit another rebel group for 10 year or whatever how long it last. No I meant the major changes to rebel in both 1.8 and 1.9 hurt Espionage cause with -20% unrest modifier.

But once you have the more pressing parts of your realm covered and can spare a diplomat or two to constantly sow discontent, sabotage reputation, and/or support rebels (depending on circumstances) it can be pretty nice. It has very little direct impact on it's own, so it's a really bad idea to get it early on.

Originally posted by Kageryuu:Imo it's fine at what it does, annoying other nations later in the game without any drawback for yourself.