The sizes may be different if the file had been compressed, like it was stored in JPG format. You can use imfinfo () to determine both the file size and the size in your MATLAB program.

NOTE: In newer versions of MATLAB (R2016b and later), the dir function has recursive search capabilities! So you can do this to get a list of all *.m files in all subfolders of the current folder: dirData = dir('**/*.m') You can use the immse () function in the Image Processing Toolbox. Theme Copy x010 y010 width550 height400 set (gcf,'position', x0,y0,width,height) You can specify other units (inches, centimeters, normalized, points, or characters). file size, content, creation date, etc.). Accepted Answer Lucifer on 6 Set the ‘Position’ property on the current figure (gcf). In addition, I added the ability to apply a validation function to each file, allowing you to select them based on criteria other than just their names (i.e.
#Matlab find file size full
It now gives you options to prepend the full path or return just the file name (incorporated from Doresoom and Oz Radiano) and apply a regular expression pattern to the file names (incorporated from Peter D). My newest code can be found on The MathWorks File Exchange: dirPlus.m.

Update: Given that this post is quite old, and I've modified this utility a lot for my own use during that time, I thought I should post a new version.