This Early College High School course utilizes numerous case studies of current environmental health and safety issues. Introduction to Environmental Studies – ECHS Gr. Students will receive three college credits in the arts and five points toward high school graduation requirements by completing this course. This course is restricted to students participating in the Early College High School program. It is an excursion in non-western music with an emphasis on the cultures in which it flourished such as the selected music of China, Japan, India, Middle East, Latin America, Ethnic North America, Africa, and Eastern Europe. At the same time, it enhances the students’ listening, critical, and analytical skills along with their aesthetic ability. This course explores music across national boundaries in its cultural context. Students will receive three college credits in social science and five points toward high school graduation requirements by completing this course. Beginning with a study of the classifications of criminal behavior, students will trace the process of justice through the court system and end with an examination of our forms of punishment and retribution. This Early College High School course will examine the criminal justice system in America. Introduction to Criminal Justice – ECHS Gr. Students will earn honors credit for the following courses: Students can earn up to 22 Quincy College Credits. ECHS students will be supported by an ECHS Guidance Counselor and ECHS College Transition Coach during their time in the program. Most ECHS courses will be the length of one college semester to mirror a true college schedule. In addition to the ECHS coursework, all ECHS students will participate in academic and non-academic support opportunities focused on post-secondary success. Upon successful completion of each course, students will earn Quincy College credit at no charge to the student. Upon acceptance into this program, students will be enrolled in the following ECHS courses at their respective high schools. Online Learning/Learning Innovation Hub.Early College High School Pathway (ECHS).Bachelors of Science Business Management.